Revelation – Lesson 3
February 24, 2010
1. The Rebuke Jesus has for the Ephesian church is “You have forsaken your first love”. What do you think this means?
The church had lost the passion and enthusiasm they once had when they were first called by God. They had lost the love and fire that had been burning in their heart for all that Jesus had done for them on the cross.
2. Why is this so serious that it merits the threat of removal of the lampstand?
They could lose the blessings and the light of the Holy Spirit. God could use another church to spread His message of hope and deliverance.
4. Jesus begins each letter with a title of Himself that is relevant to the theme of the letter. Why might 2:8 have been an especially relevant reminder for the Smyrnan Christians?
I think it was to remind them again of His sovereignty. As a persecuted church facing death, He wanted them to know that He would raise them up again just like He was raised.
7. Why do you think the whole Pergamene church needs to repent even though only some of its members follow the corrupt teachings?
They were being unfaithful to God. They had compromised by allowing idolatry and paganism in the church. They were conforming to the ways of the world and Jesus was warning them that He was coming quickly to judge the world and if they refused to repent they would die by the sword of His mouth.
9. What can we learn about Christ’s method of dealing with His people from 2:21-28?
God is patient and loving! He gives His children time to repent and to turn from their wicked ways. He warns them that if they willfully refuse to repent He will bring punishment, great tribulation and death upon them. He exhorts those who are faithful to hold on, to overcome until He returns and not to compromise. To keep His way until the end and He will reward them authority over the nations and He will give them the Morning Star! What an amazing promise. When I was a little girl we sang a song called “Everybody Ought to Know” at a little Methodist church I attended. The lyrics went like this: “Everybody ought to know, everybody ought to know, who Jesus is, who Jesus is! He’s the lily of the valley, He’s the bright and Morning Star, He’s the fairest of ten thousands, everybody ought to know”. I really could not comprehend this as a child but I certainly do now! Thank you Jesus for being our bright and Morning Star!
10. How do Christ’s words to the church at Sardis reflect the character of the city as a whole, as described above?
It was a city that was prosperous and beautiful in the past but the earthquakes brought a lot of damage. Although the city still had wealth, It was now somewhat decayed. The church was also in this state. They were a dead church who did things out of obligation and habit rather from their heart.
12. The church at Sardis was untroubled by persecution from pagans. How was the lack of persecution related to Sardis’ problem?
They became comfortable with their life style and had so much that they started to forget about their faith in Christ and were no longer walking in the spirit. James 2:26 says: As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. (NIV)
13. What encouragements does Jesus offer in 3:7-13 to those suffering persecution?
The Lord is so gracious and kind! For those who hold fast He promises physical protection, an open door that no one can shut, He promises that overcomers will sit on thrones and be given authority to judge, He says He will make them a pillar in His temple and we will one day reign with Him and He will write His name on us!
17. What can we learn about the Lord’s character from what He says to the Laodicean church?
The Lord means what He says! The Laodicean church thought they were perfectly okay, living the high life. They were rich and successful but had forgotten all about God. The Lord saw them for who they really were, poor, miserable and blind. They were indifferent. He knew they were neither cold nor hot, they were lukewarm, wretched, blind and naked. He makes it clear that they would be punished for this.
18. Jesus calls Himself “your brother and companion, in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus.”
What does Jesus say to the seven churches about suffering? What did the churches have to suffer, and why? How did Jesus want them to respond and why?
Each church is given a description of their condition with a warning and a call to the overcomers to persevere. They are also warned about the rewards and punishments to be experienced when the Lord comes (the second coming). The Lord wants His children to repent and turn from their wicked ways. At the end of every letter Jesus gave a promise “for those who overcome”.
What do you learn about the kingdom from the seven letters? What does Jesus say about patient endurance?
I’ve learned of the great love that Christ has for His churches and for His servants. Even despite their failures and shortcomings, you see the outstretched arms of a loving Savior. Rather than leaving each church alone in their mess, Jesus intervenes to warn them of impending danger and will reward the overcomer with authority over nations, there name will be written in the book of life, they will sit on His throne, eat of the hidden manna, inherit the earth, be a pillar in His temple, be given the tree of life, be clothed in white garments, not be hurt by the second death and be given the Morning Star!
19. What if Jesus came to you personally with a message like the seven?
I feel like He has through this bible study!
I know where you live…
I am the God who sees. Why have you allowed the enemy to deceive you with lies that keep you bound with shame and insecurities of unworthiness and inadequacies. You have been washed by the blood of the lamb; there is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus! You have been set free.
I know your deeds… You have tried to be perfect by doing good things for everyone around you. You tend to be a people pleaser. You try to fix every situation and you even try to fix the people around you. You often times keep silent rather than voicing the truth because you don’t want to make someone angry and upset with you. You want everyone to love you, so you continue living the life of an enabler. You worry endlessly and try to figure out a plan to make things better. Your intentions are good but they only make you sick with worry and bring on sadness and hopelessness. You are not the one in control of all these things. I am, says the Lord! You toil and labor in vain, come to me and I will give you rest, I will lead you beside still waters. I placed each star in the sky, the sun and the moon. I know the number of hairs on your head. I am your provider, the lover of your soul! “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches!”
20. What action would you like to take in light of what you have just said about yourself?
First of all, I want the Lord to forgive me once again for always being such a dumb sheep! I want the word of God to penetrate deeply in my heart and for the Holy Spirit to bring it to my attention every single moment of the day. I want to cling to my first love and to truly understand what my love for Jesus Christ entails each and every day. I want to be a walking testimony of the love and power of God in my life and put into action all that the Lord has taught me. I want the Lord to be in complete control. I want to thirst after righteousness and walk humbly before my God.
“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.” Phillippians 1:20
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Revelation – Lesson 2
February 8, 2010
1) The reason God gave this revelation is so that all who serve Him would have hope through trials and tribulations and would be blessed by reading and hearing the words of this prophesy. Most importantly, He wanted us to keep its words in our hearts. Not just to be hearers but doers of His word because the time is near.
Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.
2) John did not use the words “who will be” because Jesus is the Messiah, who had come and died on the cross for us, resurrected from the dead and ascended into heaven. He used the words “who is to come” because Jesus is coming back for us!
3) The first-born of the dead – Jesus is the first who triumphed over death.
But here is the order of events. Christ is the first of those who rise from the dead. When he comes back, those who belong to him will be raised. 1 Corinthians 15:23
4) How is it important to me that Jesus is:
a. The faithful witness – He showed his testimony by coming into this world and dying for us.
b. The first-born of the dead – Jesus the first to rise from the dead and when He returns we will rise from the dead.
c. Ruler of the kings of the earth – Jesus is the true ruler of the earth, He is sovereign and in control.
d. Loved us and freed us from our sins by His blood – Jesus proved to us how much He loved us by dying on the cross for us to free us of our sins and made us acceptable to God.
5) The Bibles says we (the elect of God) are a kingdom. We are now a kingdom, not going to be a kingdom. (Rev. 5:9-10) Now we belong to God. He called us out of darkness into His wonderful light. We can declare the glory of God! The Bible says that the saints are a chosen people, a people belonging to God, a royal priesthood and a holy nation who will declare the praises of God.
6) What do the following passages help me understand about John’s vision in Rev.1:12-16
Clearly Daniel 7 is talking about Jesus the Messiah, the son of Man who has authority on earth to forgive sins and who is coming again and as a son of man (human), the Lord is clearly able to judge humanity.
7) What does the sharp double-edged sword seem to signify?
It is a reference to the Word of God and it has to do with judgment of the church and of the world.
8) Why do you think John fell at his feet as though dead when he saw this person?
He saw Christ’s glory and fell at his feet because of the unworthiness of his humanity.
I fell at His feet as a dead man – John’s response at encountering the Son of God is similar to that of Daniel 10:9 – Then I heard him speaking, and as I listened to him, I fell into a deep sleep, my face to the ground.
9) What truths about Himself does Christ emphasize in Rev. 1:17-18?
Jesus is reminding us of His life, death and resurrection and that is alive forever and ever. Just as He lived, died and rose again, we also will rise again when He comes. Because He lives, we live!
10) Overall impression of Christ Rev. 1:10-18
Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, He has called us out of darkness and into the light and we will live forever with Him. The Lord is coming again and He is going to judge the world.
11) The one truth that stands out for me is that the time is near. It is time to become stronger and bolder for the Lord and to step out of my comfort zone.
12) It is important because there is a lost world who needs Jesus so desperately.
13) How would I like this truth to affect the way I act and think – my character and habits? I want to be a better witness for the Lord. I want to have more compassion and empathy for everyone around me and to be humble. I want the Lord to take away any critical thought or attitude in me. I want to be a good listener and a doer of God's Word. Whenever I speak truth or share Christ, I want it to be with love and lots of grace.
14) What steps can I take to make this begin to happen? Read my Bible and meditate on the Word. Pray. Remember every day what Jesus has done for me and give Him praise. Fellowship. Be honest and transparent.
February 8, 2010
1) The reason God gave this revelation is so that all who serve Him would have hope through trials and tribulations and would be blessed by reading and hearing the words of this prophesy. Most importantly, He wanted us to keep its words in our hearts. Not just to be hearers but doers of His word because the time is near.
Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.
2) John did not use the words “who will be” because Jesus is the Messiah, who had come and died on the cross for us, resurrected from the dead and ascended into heaven. He used the words “who is to come” because Jesus is coming back for us!
3) The first-born of the dead – Jesus is the first who triumphed over death.
But here is the order of events. Christ is the first of those who rise from the dead. When he comes back, those who belong to him will be raised. 1 Corinthians 15:23
4) How is it important to me that Jesus is:
a. The faithful witness – He showed his testimony by coming into this world and dying for us.
b. The first-born of the dead – Jesus the first to rise from the dead and when He returns we will rise from the dead.
c. Ruler of the kings of the earth – Jesus is the true ruler of the earth, He is sovereign and in control.
d. Loved us and freed us from our sins by His blood – Jesus proved to us how much He loved us by dying on the cross for us to free us of our sins and made us acceptable to God.
5) The Bibles says we (the elect of God) are a kingdom. We are now a kingdom, not going to be a kingdom. (Rev. 5:9-10) Now we belong to God. He called us out of darkness into His wonderful light. We can declare the glory of God! The Bible says that the saints are a chosen people, a people belonging to God, a royal priesthood and a holy nation who will declare the praises of God.
6) What do the following passages help me understand about John’s vision in Rev.1:12-16
Clearly Daniel 7 is talking about Jesus the Messiah, the son of Man who has authority on earth to forgive sins and who is coming again and as a son of man (human), the Lord is clearly able to judge humanity.
7) What does the sharp double-edged sword seem to signify?
It is a reference to the Word of God and it has to do with judgment of the church and of the world.
8) Why do you think John fell at his feet as though dead when he saw this person?
He saw Christ’s glory and fell at his feet because of the unworthiness of his humanity.
I fell at His feet as a dead man – John’s response at encountering the Son of God is similar to that of Daniel 10:9 – Then I heard him speaking, and as I listened to him, I fell into a deep sleep, my face to the ground.
9) What truths about Himself does Christ emphasize in Rev. 1:17-18?
Jesus is reminding us of His life, death and resurrection and that is alive forever and ever. Just as He lived, died and rose again, we also will rise again when He comes. Because He lives, we live!
10) Overall impression of Christ Rev. 1:10-18
Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, He has called us out of darkness and into the light and we will live forever with Him. The Lord is coming again and He is going to judge the world.
11) The one truth that stands out for me is that the time is near. It is time to become stronger and bolder for the Lord and to step out of my comfort zone.
12) It is important because there is a lost world who needs Jesus so desperately.
13) How would I like this truth to affect the way I act and think – my character and habits? I want to be a better witness for the Lord. I want to have more compassion and empathy for everyone around me and to be humble. I want the Lord to take away any critical thought or attitude in me. I want to be a good listener and a doer of God's Word. Whenever I speak truth or share Christ, I want it to be with love and lots of grace.
14) What steps can I take to make this begin to happen? Read my Bible and meditate on the Word. Pray. Remember every day what Jesus has done for me and give Him praise. Fellowship. Be honest and transparent.
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