Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Revelation – Lesson 2
February 8, 2010

1) The reason God gave this revelation is so that all who serve Him would have hope through trials and tribulations and would be blessed by reading and hearing the words of this prophesy. Most importantly, He wanted us to keep its words in our hearts. Not just to be hearers but doers of His word because the time is near.
Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.

2) John did not use the words “who will be” because Jesus is the Messiah, who had come and died on the cross for us, resurrected from the dead and ascended into heaven. He used the words “who is to come” because Jesus is coming back for us!

3) The first-born of the dead – Jesus is the first who triumphed over death.
But here is the order of events. Christ is the first of those who rise from the dead. When he comes back, those who belong to him will be raised. 1 Corinthians 15:23

4) How is it important to me that Jesus is:
a. The faithful witness – He showed his testimony by coming into this world and dying for us.
b. The first-born of the dead – Jesus the first to rise from the dead and when He returns we will rise from the dead.
c. Ruler of the kings of the earth – Jesus is the true ruler of the earth, He is sovereign and in control.
d. Loved us and freed us from our sins by His blood – Jesus proved to us how much He loved us by dying on the cross for us to free us of our sins and made us acceptable to God.

5) The Bibles says we (the elect of God) are a kingdom. We are now a kingdom, not going to be a kingdom. (Rev. 5:9-10) Now we belong to God. He called us out of darkness into His wonderful light. We can declare the glory of God! The Bible says that the saints are a chosen people, a people belonging to God, a royal priesthood and a holy nation who will declare the praises of God.

6) What do the following passages help me understand about John’s vision in Rev.1:12-16
Clearly Daniel 7 is talking about Jesus the Messiah, the son of Man who has authority on earth to forgive sins and who is coming again and as a son of man (human), the Lord is clearly able to judge humanity.

7) What does the sharp double-edged sword seem to signify?
It is a reference to the Word of God and it has to do with judgment of the church and of the world.

8) Why do you think John fell at his feet as though dead when he saw this person?
He saw Christ’s glory and fell at his feet because of the unworthiness of his humanity.
I fell at His feet as a dead man – John’s response at encountering the Son of God is similar to that of Daniel 10:9 – Then I heard him speaking, and as I listened to him, I fell into a deep sleep, my face to the ground.

9) What truths about Himself does Christ emphasize in Rev. 1:17-18?
Jesus is reminding us of His life, death and resurrection and that is alive forever and ever. Just as He lived, died and rose again, we also will rise again when He comes. Because He lives, we live!

10) Overall impression of Christ Rev. 1:10-18
Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, He has called us out of darkness and into the light and we will live forever with Him. The Lord is coming again and He is going to judge the world.

11) The one truth that stands out for me is that the time is near. It is time to become stronger and bolder for the Lord and to step out of my comfort zone.

12) It is important because there is a lost world who needs Jesus so desperately.

13) How would I like this truth to affect the way I act and think – my character and habits? I want to be a better witness for the Lord. I want to have more compassion and empathy for everyone around me and to be humble. I want the Lord to take away any critical thought or attitude in me. I want to be a good listener and a doer of God's Word. Whenever I speak truth or share Christ, I want it to be with love and lots of grace.

14) What steps can I take to make this begin to happen? Read my Bible and meditate on the Word. Pray. Remember every day what Jesus has done for me and give Him praise. Fellowship. Be honest and transparent.


  1. Great lesson Joanie, when John fell over I was thinking of the song I Can Only Imagine. Someday we will witness His glory. Amen! Love you cousin.

  2. Loved your lesson Joanie. A couple of things really stood out as "A-ha" moments. I had never put together the "first born of the dead" and the "dead in Christ rise first" before... very cool. Secondly, I found it interesting that both Daniel and John were "as dead" when they had seen the glory of the Lord, especially since it is those who are dead that are in His presence (Absent from the body - present with the Lord). Great insights Joanie - thanks! Hugs xo

  3. Great lesson, Joanie. I really love your answer to number 14. I need to do all of those things. You have such wonderful insights. I'm so glad you joined our group! Love you! xo
